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Three Staples students, Anna Ji, Andrew Rebello, and Jackson Tracey have been selected to represent Westport and the United States at the 2024 Asia-Pacific Young Leaders Summit hosted by Hwa Chong Institution (HCI), one of the premier schools in Singapore.

HCI established the summit in 2006 to provide an avenue for high school students from around the world to network, and participate in dialogue and inquiry into issues facing the world with an emphasis on the importance of multicultural understanding. Other participants typically represent Australia, China, France, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Oman, Philippines, South Africa, South Korea, United Kingdom, and Singapore.

For the past eleven years, Westport has been invited to send three juniors who are both high-performing students and interested in world affairs with a special interest in Asia. This year’s representatives have demonstrated substantial leadership capacity, in addition to academic excellence.

Photo of the three students attending the summit in Singapore