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Wrecker Mini Grants

Grant Request Google Form Application


This year's Wrecker Mini Grants application is now closed.

Thank you to everyone who applied!


Program Description

The Staples High School PTA has earmarked a portion of the money it raises to fund enrichment projects proposed by the school community. Potential projects should enhance the current curriculum and student development, and cannot already be part of the current school budget. In general, funds will be used for start-up, pilot projects or special events on a one-time, annual basis. The goal of the program is to fund or subsidize numerous projects covering the widest possible scope and number of students. As a result, projects may be competing for the money available. For that reason, the PTA reserves the right to select among projects that best represent the curriculum across departments and grades.

Criteria to Evaluate Grant Requests

Who may apply?

Teachers, students (through Student Assembly or Club Advisors), and administrators may submit applications.

What are the grant request questions?

Each application must:


  • Identify a project leader, class(es) or student group involved.
  • Specify the time frame for the activity.
  • Detail specific items requested with realistic estimates of costs.
  • Specify the portion the application covers, if part of a larger project.
  • Include a way to measure the outcome of the program.

What happens after the request is submitted?

The Wrecker Mini Grant process takes at least 30 days from the submission deadline to complete. The Executive Board will review all completed applications. The board may request additional information or ask for clarification. If other funding sources are being sought simultaneously, the applicant should keep the PTA liaison abreast of any additional monies received.

What will Wrecker Mini Grant funds cover?

  • In general, funds are to be used for pilot, start-up projects or special events that are not currently part of the curriculum or of an on-going nature.
  • The project must not be funded in the current or next year’s school budget.
  • Funds are provided on a one-time, annual basis and must be used during the current school year. If the project has multi-year merit, the project sponsor will need to apply for funding to be wrapped into the school’s next year’s annual budget. Subsequent year approvals are not guaranteed.
  • Wrecker Mini Grant funds cover all costs associated with the project, including the costs of materials, equipment, guest speakers or presenters, excluding the provision of food.
  • Wrecker Mini Grant funds cannot be used to pay for parent, teacher or other staff hours spent managing the project or attending the event.
  • Wrecker Mini Grant funds cannot be used for transportation costs.

What are other considerations when writing the grant request?

  • Priority will be given to projects that ultimately benefit the largest number of students.
  • Projects should encourage active student participation.
  • Projects should use resources efficiently and seek available resources first.
  • All material or equipment purchased with Wrecker Mini Grant funds are the property of Staples High School and must be used for the sole purpose intended.

Purchase Procedures

Past Staples Mini Grant Programs have included Special Education Coffee Cart “Business,” Art Department bonus supplies, Inklings recording equipment, Teen Awareness Group speaker, new SHS school clubs, and more.

  • Costs cannot be paid by direct reimbursement, only by invoice or proof of purchase.
  • Reimbursement will only be made for items specified in the grant request.
  • Checks to individuals will not be written without receipts.
  • There will be no reimbursement for sales tax.
  • Staples High School’s tax-free ID number is available for all purchases.
  • Please submit the Request for Reimbursement form to the Staples PTA Treasurer.

The deadline to submit your completed Grant Request Google Form Application is Monday, October 14, 2024. Please reach out with any questions by email to Pamela Bernstein and Maria Mulvehill at