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Online Directory

Support your PTA - join today!


Support Your PTA–Join Today!

The SHS PTA has exciting news!
A to Z Connect is the provider of our new school directory!
Our new platform is now open for you to purchase your PTA membership. 

Access to the directory is available upon registering and providing payment. Each Westport school PTA is a separate, non-profit organization that provides financial support and parent volunteers for a wide range of programs, services and social events that enrich our children's educational experience. By registering on A to Z Connect you are joining Staples’ PTA as a supporting member. Membership does not require volunteering but does fund the enrichment programs at your school provided by the PTA.  We cannot do this without the support of all parents, teachers and staff within each school community.  

Please note: All SHS parent volunteers must be PTA members. Please be sure to sign up to stay involved and support the SHS community.

* Information contained in the Membership Directory is for the personal use of PTA members only. Please respect the privacy of the fellow parents and do not distribute their personal information contained in the directory to third parties, including outside businesses. Doing so is a violation of the user agreement and the PTA policies.

Click here to join! 

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