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Science National Honor Society


Applications to the Staples Science National Honor Society will open on March 8, 2024.  

 Membership is open to rising juniors and rising seniors.  The deadline to receive applications is April 5, 2024.  

Current members in good standing do not need to re-apply.

SHS SNHS Eligibility and Responsibilities

2024-25 SHS Science National Honors Society Application Packet

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Recent News


Staples High School German students showcased their skills and knowledge at the annual UCONN German Quiz Bowl, competing against other high school German programs and securing first place! In addition to the competition, students participated in target-language workshops and attended a presentation about opportunities to study German at UCONN, including dual-degree programs in business and engineering.

Read More about Staples High School Places First at UCONN German Quiz Bowl

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