Year 1
Westport Data Analysis: Year 1
Baseline Data Collection: January 2014-February 2014
Data Collection 1: April 2014-May 2014
Data Collection 2: September 2014-October 2014
Measure 1.1: Percentage of students served by the grant who engage in 60 minutes of daily physical activity- baseline data
Number of students who met performance measure 1.1 252 of 796 = 32%
Total number of students during the baseline data-collection window 822
Data Collection Windows
Baseline Data Collection |
Data Collection 1 |
Data Collection 2 |
Number of students who met performance measure 1.1 252
Total number of students during the baseline data-collection window 822
Number of participants who returned completed pedometer logs and/or 3DPAR 796
Response Rate 97% |
Number of students who met performance measure 1.1 251
Total number of students during the data-collection 1 window 693
Number of participants who returned completed pedometer logs and/or 3DPAR 615
Response Rate 89% |
Number of students who met performance measure 1.1 212
Total number of students during the data-collection 2 window 715
Number of participants who returned completed pedometer logs and/or 3DPAR 629
Response Rate 88% |
Met Goal: 32% |
Met Goal: 41% |
Met Goal: 34% |
Measure 1.1: Percentage of students served by the grant who
engage in 60 minutes of daily physical activity- current year data = 34%
Average number of students who met performance measure 1.1 = 212
Average number of students during the data-collection window = 629
Measure 1.2: Percentage of students served by the grant who meet the standard of a healthy fitness zone as established by the assessment for the Presidential Youth Fitness Program (PYFP) in at least five of the six fitness areas of the assessment- baseline data
Number of students who met performance measure 1.2 457 of 774 = 59%
Total number of students during the baseline data-collection window 822
Data Collection Windows
Baseline Data Collection |
Data Collection 1 |
Data Collection 2 |
Number of students who met performance measure 1.2 457
Total number of students during the baseline data-collection window 822
Number of participants who returned completed fitness assessments 774
Response Rate 94% |
Number of students who met performance measure 1.2 384
Total number of students during the data-collection 1 window 693
Number of participants who returned completed fitness assessments 691
Response Rate 99% |
Number of students who met performance measure 1.2 386
Total number of students during the data-collection 2 window 715
Number of participants who returned completed fitness assessments 699
Response Rate 98% |
Met Goal: 59% |
Met Goal: 56% |
Met Goal: 55% |
Measure 1.2: Percentage of students served by the grant who meet
the standard of a healthy fitness zone as established by the assessment
for the Presidential Youth Fitness Program (PYFP) in at least five of
the six fitness areas of the assessment- current year data = 55%
Average number of students who met performance measure 1.2 = 386
Average number of students during the data-collection windows = 699
Measure 1.3: Percentage of students served by the grant who consume fruit two or more times per day and vegetables three or more times per day- baseline data
Number of students who met performance measure 1.3 230 of 790 = 29%
Total number of students during the baseline data-collection window 822
Data Collection Windows
Baseline Data Collection |
Data Collection 1 |
Data Collection 2 |
Number of students who met performance measure 1.3 230
Total number of students during the baseline data-collection window 822
Number of participants who returned completed nutrition questionnaire 790
Response Rate 96% |
Number of students who met performance measure 1.3 205
Total number of students during the data-collection 1 window 693
Number of participants who returned completed nutrition questionnaire 657
Response Rate 95% |
Number of students who met performance measure 1.3 218
Total number of students during the data-collection 1 window 715
Number of participants who returned completed nutrition questionnaire 643
Response Rate 90% |
Met Goal: 29% |
Met Goal: 31% |
Met Goal: 34% |
Measure 1.3: Percentage of students served by the grant who consume
fruit two or more times per day and vegetables three or more times per
day- current year data
= 34%
Average number of students who met performance measure 1.3 = 218
Average number of students during the data-collection windows = 643