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Registration & Withdrawal

The School Counseling Department manages registration, withdrawal, and school records, including transcript requests, for all current and former Staples High School students.

Registering Your Child at Staples

Incoming Staples students and families are required to complete the district registration process online as well as a series of Staples forms found in the New Student Registration Packet and Information Guide

For your reference, here is a link to the SHS Student Handbook. Students who are registering during the current school year must complete the Student Handbook Sign-Off Form in the New Student Registration Packet to acknowledge that they have received the appropriate information to access the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct. For students who are registering for the next school year, this form is not required; at the start of the school year, these students will review and sign off on having received access to the Student Handbook with all other students.

Once all required forms are received, an appointment will be scheduled with a Staples school counselor to complete enrollment and select courses. 

Withdrawing Your Child From Staples

The instructions and forms for withdrawing your child from Staples are contained within the Staples High School Student Withdrawal Packet. Please notify your child's assistant principal and school counselor of your intention to withdraw your child as soon as possible, including their last day of attendance.

Your child will need to return all school materials and pay any accountabilities owed, then return the completed Withdrawal Packet forms to the school counseling department office. We will then send your child's records to their future school and withdraw them from our system.

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Upcoming Events

For a complete list of events, visit our the School Counseling Department Calendar.