Post-High School Planning
Transcript Release Form
- Required form for requesting a transcript to be sent to colleges. See "How to Request a Transcript" for the various forms we use and more information.
College List Form
- Required form for requesting a transcript to be sent to colleges. See "How to Request a Transcript" for more information.
Counselor Recommendation Questionnaire (Student)
- Required form for requesting a transcript to be sent to colleges. See "How to Request a Transcript" for more information.
Counselor Recommendation Questionnaire (Parent/Guardian)
- Required form for requesting a transcript to be sent to colleges. See "How to Request a Transcript" for more information.
First Quarter Grades Request Form / First Quarter Grades Link For Submission
- First quarter senior year grades will only be sent upon request from the student. Complete and save a PDF of the First Quarter Grades Request Form, then upload and submit through this link. Note: You will only be able to submit your request once first quarter grades are officially available in order to ensure that you have first reviewed your report card for accuracy. The google link will not be accepting responses until then.
Teacher Recommendation Questionnaire
- Complete for each teacher you ask to write a recommendation before the end of junior year (or at least four weeks before the first application deadline in senior year). Check with your teacher to see if they have their own individual questionnaire to be used instead or if they would like any additional information.
Reference Form for Counselor Recommendations
- Students are encouraged to distribute to coaches, club advisors, supervisors of community service, employers, etc. This can also be used for teachers other than those already writing a college recommendation letter. This form is not sent to colleges and is solely an aid for the school counselor. It is not a substitution for the teacher letters of recommendation.
Pass to Attend a College Visit at Staples
- Seniors must present this pass with the teacher's signature in order to attend a college representative visit in the College and Career Center.
- To visit a college during a school day, turn in this form to the assistant principal's office. Juniors and Seniors are allowed two days each year without penalty for college visitation.
College Planning Organizational Chart
- This chart can be used as a template in the planning and organization for your college search as well as to keep track of your college applications, deadlines, and supplementary materials.
Student Eligibility Worksheet for Standardized Testing Accommodations (Information and Instructions
- This form must be completed in order to request accommodations on the ACT or College Board exams.
NCAA Eligibility Center Transcript Release Form
- Required form for requesting a transcript to be sent to colleges. See "Athletics and College Admissions" for more information.
College Affordability Worksheet
Use this worksheet to determine an affordable net price for a four-year college degree.
Academics and Scheduling
- Students may earn credit for community service (.5 credits for 60 hours). Credit may only be earned for community service conducted while a Staples student and outside of the school day.
Course/Schedule Change Request Form
- This form must be completed in order to request a change once the designated registration window has passed. Email your completed form with a parent/guardian copied on the email as their signature to with “Course/Schedule Change Request Form – Your Last name, First Name” as the subject of the email.
- A student seeking to withdraw from a course after the 30th day of the term for a full-year or semester course and 15th day of the term for a quarter course must complete the Course Withdrawal Form. The grading policy for course withdrawals can be found in the SHS Student Handbook.
- A student who has completed all requirements for a Staples diploma may be allowed to graduate early with parent/guardian, school counselor, and administrative approval. The student must apply by June 30 of junior year. Students should see their school counselor if considering this as an option.
- In order to override a teacher's recommendation into a higher level course, this form must be completed, physically signed, and returned to the student's school counselor by the stated deadline.
Independent Learning Experience Plan and Contract
- The Independent Learning Experience is a pathway for students who want to accelerate learning beyond the classroom setting. Visit the ILE website for more information.
Connecticut State Community College High School Partnership Staples Enrollment Contract
- Highly motivated, academically eligible juniors and seniors may take courses at Connecticut State Community College through the High School Partnership program.
- A student may elect to take up to one credit per school year in any course(s) to be graded as Pass or Fail.
PLATO Online Course Application and Contract
- A PLATO online course may be taken by a student to explore an area of an interest as an elective or serve other purposes approved by the student's school counselor and Staples administration as described in the application and contract, found on the SHS website under "Online Learning Electives."
Pre-Approval Form for Coursework Taken Outside Staples
- If a student wishes for a course taken outside Staples to fulfill a graduation requirement or be used for accelerated advancement within a course sequence, prior school counselor and department coordinator approval must be granted. The student should email their completed pre-approval form to their school counselor and the subject area department coordinator. (Note: This form is for current Staples students and students taking courses between grades 8 and 9. Middle school students interested in acceleration should contact the math department coordinator, Stefan Porco, at
Teacher Assistant Plan and Contract
- As a Teaching Assistant (TA), students serve as an apprentice to the teacher outside of the role as a student. A TA experience is intended to foster a student’s growth in a particular content area and help build lifelong skills. For more information and access to the plan/contract, contact your school counselor or TA coordinator, Mrs. Karen Thompson, at